Sungai Lembing MTB 2018

3 hours car drive KT- Sungai Lembing

Kuantan - sungai lembing about 40km car drive
41 minutes

Plan :
1. Softpack MTB to Kuantan , 28/9/18 Friday morning. and take Transnasional bus express to Kuantan. 10am , reach kuantan about afternoon time. Must kook budget hotel in sungai lembing in advance .
2. Round Kuantan town in Friday afternoon is not possible,  lunch there. visit some famous places like temples, recreation places, look it up in google.
3. After lunch 3-4pm , Friday 28/9/18. ride to sungai lembing . 40km cycling, may takes up 2-3 hours. to reach sungai lembing. expect to reach sungai lembing at 7pm. check in homestay or budget hotel. dinner and overnite in sungai lembing.
4. Satuday morning 29/9/18 , MTB ride till 12pm. then lunch in sungai lembing.
5. 12pm , ride to kuantan. reach kuantan about 2pm,  (must buy ticket in advance)
6. 2-3pm ready to dismantle MTB and softpack.  take express bus back KT. departing time 3.30pm
7. reach home at night. 7pm

web bus 

hotel web:

Alternative :
By wish
1. Bertolak 4am KT-Sungai Lembing. (Must pack MTB in car one night before)
2. REach sungai lembing at 7am ! too tired !


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