TERUS code of conduct

Ver 2.4
24 Nov. 2017


The Terengganu Unity Riders, (TERUS), in particular the Members’ WhatsApp Chat , has played a fundamental role in the development of the chat group over the last few months, in conjunction with 15 Sept. 2017 Dungun Unity Ride. In order for this page to continue to be helpful to all involved , we encourage members adhere to the principles below.

2. Respectful behaviour:

2.1– Be friendly; treat one another with civility and respect.
2.2– Please avoid personal attacks direct or indirect, slurs, and excessive jokes/profanity.
2.3– Respect other members’ points of view even if they differ to yours.
2.4– Please consider how others will view/react to your posts.

3.1– When replying to others – especially those with whom you disagree – imagine you’re having a face-to-face conversation, and ponder how differently you would interact with those people while in the same room, looking each other in the eye, as opposed to a few miles away with limited comeback.
3.2- Avoid fraudulent, false, misleading or deceptive information.
3.3- Avoid profane, vulgar, obscene, defamatory, threatening, or discriminatory language.
3.4- Avoid sharing anyone’s personal information. Personal information is only suitable for personal matters, that can be shared to the individual / organisation concerned by direct posting or personal message (PM).

4.1– Ensure that your comments are relevant to group members (i.e. cycling related). Try to share everything related to our common interest.
4.2– We encourage you to keep your posts as close to the subject as possible

5.1– Before posting links to / from outside chats, websites and videos, please take a moment to scan the page and see if someone else has already posted a link to the same page/topic and/or video. And
5.2- Please be reasonable and judgemental on the accuracy and trustworthiness of the links intended to be shared.
5.3- All the admins of The Terengganu Unity Riders, (TERUS) are not liable for any misconduct made by individual member on posting, sharing any illegal links which are against the laws & regulations of Malaysia. Each member is being held responsible for his/her own misconduct.

6. Overposting:
6.1– Please don’t post new topics in rapid succession / 'bombing'.
6.2– Allow as many to have their say as possible.
6.3– Keep messages of goodwill on one's post.


7.1-Treat everyone as friend. Everyone should have a voice and everyone deserves to be heard. Resist any urge to talk down to people or to push your opinions so hard as to spoil or dominate the conversation.

7.2-All members are encouraged to contribute or forward their ideas / findings, reports, personal experience to TERUS, to enrich the contents of our discussions & sharing. Be courteous and prudent when posting messages,
7.2.1 Greetings are welcome but avoid posting greetings excessively, especially greetings with images & videos which are data-consuming.

7.3-Spamming of advertisements, obscene pornographies, sensitive issues touching on races/religions/political bias in the form of images, links, visuals and messages made to The Terengganu Unity Riders, (TERUS) are subject to removal at any time. Counselling and helps will be rendered to any members who are deemed to be anti-social or suffered from depression, from time to time by The Terengganu Unity Riders, (TERUS) peers, for a better future, for all.

7.4-.All the members of Terengganu Unity Riders, (TERUS) are admins, have the right to add (and re-add as well) members to TERUS chat group , as many as they like. and the keypersons who are the representatives for the respective cycling teams/clubs, are obliged to make sure all his members under his cycling teams adhere to the goodwill standards set upon.

7.5- Remember, TERUS will act as the chamber of cycling teams/clubs all over terengganu state. The Cycling Teams/Clubs keypersons are expected to play the rules for peer-counselling for their respective teams/clubs.

7.6-All unity riders are encouraged to join at least one small cycling team,please request your friend/ introducer to add you to either PST, BCC or HCT for peers counseling & encouragements. A Unity member  must be a member of at least one cycling group as stated above. A Unity member must be added to one of the stated cycling teams. Nobody in Unity is lone-ranger, Lone Wolf is dangerous because of their anti-social inclination.There is a strong tendency for a lone wolf to show distructive social behaviour.

7.7-Now we have 6am Cycling Team (6am), Banana Cycling Club (BCC), Happy Cycling Team (HCT), Power Spirit Cycling Team (PSCT),.....sooner or later... Kemaman, Setiu....and other district cycling teams will be in TERUS. it will be easier for bigger things to happen , in coming events will be easier to disseminate and shared among the members. Enjoy riding.

Simplified Chinese Excerpt :

以下是 TERUS 的限制…只要你喜欢…什么也可以吹,最好是关于自行车…只是严禁过分打广告…禁止吵架或者人身攻击…禁止过分粗口……禁止玩任何人照片…禁止侮辱和乱管理员&版主…请珍惜自己的在TERUS的会员身份…谢谢!


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